I am a senior robotics engineer/team lead at SonyAI. Previously I was working as a research scientist with Marco Gallieri and Jan Koutnik at Nnaisense. I obtained a PhD in Robotics from EPFL at the learning algorithms and system laboratory, under the supervision of Prof. Aude Billard. During my Phd at LASA, I was a part of Cogimon and Alterego and later, during my postdoc, I was contributing to crowdbot. I hold MSc in Mechatronics and BSc in Mechanical engineering from Amirkabir university of technology. I am mainly interested in endowing robotic system with a capability to move very fast while being safe for human-robot interactions.



  • [July 2020] I started working at Sony as a robotics engineer. 
  • [May 2019] At ICRA 2019, We, Aude Billard, Nadia Figueroa, Lukas Huber and I, gave a tutorial on "Dynamical System-based Learning from Demonstration". 
  • [April 2019] I started working at Nnaisense as a research scienticst.
  • [March 2019] I have been selected as a finalist for the euRobotics George Giralt PhD award 2019 edition (Best European PhD Thesis in Robotics).
  • [May 2018] I started as the postdoc at EPFL LASA.
  • [May 2018] I did my public defence at EPFL. You can find the full video here:

    • [Feburery 2018] I successfully defended by PhD thesis entitled: "Compliant control of Uni/ Multi- robotic arms with dynamical systems" under supervision of Prof. Aude Billard. The president of the jury was Prof. Jamie Paik (EPFL), the internal examinar was Prof. Hannes Bleuler (EPFL) and external examiners were Prof. Jochen Steil (TUBS) and Prof. Michael Mistry (University of Edinburgh).
    • [April 2017] Top 5 finalists in the KUKA Innovation Award.

  • [March 2014] I started my Phd at EPFL LASA.